Journal of Effective Teaching and Learning Practices

Author guidelines

Manuscript Category and requirement:

  • Research Article
  • Comments
  • Issues
  • Policy Paper

Tracks are as follows:

  1. Pedagogical Innovations: Articles focusing on innovative teaching methods, strategies, and approaches in various disciplines.
  2. Educational Technology and Digital Learning: Research on the integration of technology in education, online learning platforms, and digital tools for teaching and learning.
  3. Curriculum Development and Design: Contributions related to the design, implementation, and evaluation of curricula at different levels of education.
  4. Assessment and Evaluation: Studies on effective assessment practices, formative and summative evaluation techniques, and the use of assessments to enhance learning outcomes.
  5. Student Engagement and Motivation: Articles exploring methods to increase student engagement, motivation, and participation in the learning process.
  6. Active Learning Strategies: Research on active learning techniques, collaborative learning, experiential learning, and flipped classroom models.
  7. Diversity and Inclusivity in Education: Contributions addressing diversity, equity, and inclusivity in teaching and learning environments, including strategies for creating inclusive classrooms.
  8. Professional Development for Educators: Articles focusing on teacher training, mentorship programs, and ongoing professional development opportunities for educators.
  9. Cross-disciplinary Perspectives: Research that bridges multiple disciplines and explores interdisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning.
  10. Educational Psychology and Learning Sciences: Studies on cognitive psychology, learning theories, and evidence-based practices for optimizing learning outcomes.
  1. Submission Guidelines
    • Manuscript Preparation: Authors should prepare their manuscripts according to the journal's formatting requirements, which may include specific font styles, sizes, and citation formats.
    • Length and Structure: Clearly state the acceptable word count for different types of submissions. Include sections such as an abstract, keywords, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, and references.
    • File Types: Acceptable file formats typically include Word (.doc or .docx) or PDF. Authors should ensure all figures, tables, and supplementary materials are included in the submission.
  2. Peer Review Process
    • Initial Screening: Submissions will first be reviewed by the editorial team for relevance, originality, and adherence to the journal’s scope and guidelines.
    • Review Criteria: Manuscripts will be evaluated based on clarity, significance, originality, methodological soundness, and contribution to the field of teaching and learning.
    • Double-Blind Review: Both reviewers and authors remain anonymous to each other to ensure impartiality.
    • Timeline: Provide a general timeline for the review process, typically 4-6 weeks for the initial decision. Authors will be notified promptly of the outcome and provided with reviewers’ comments.
  3. Originality and Plagiarism
    • Original Research: Submissions must represent original research not previously published or under consideration elsewhere. Authors should confirm the originality of their work.
    • Plagiarism Check: Manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism using appropriate software. Submissions with significant plagiarism will be rejected.
  4. Authorship and Acknowledgments
    • Authorship Criteria: Authors should have made substantial contributions to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. Those who do not meet these criteria should be acknowledged in the acknowledgments section.
    • Contributions and Acknowledgments: Clearly describe each author's contributions. Acknowledge any individuals or organizations that provided significant support but did not qualify for authorship.
    • Conflict of Interest: Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, that could influence the research or its interpretation.
  5. Ethical Considerations
    • Human Subjects: Research involving human participants must comply with ethical standards and be approved by an institutional review board. Include a statement confirming ethical approval and informed consent.
    • Animal Welfare: Research involving animals must follow ethical guidelines for humane treatment. Include a statement confirming compliance with relevant guidelines and approval from an ethics committee.
  6. Copyright and Licensing
    • Copyright Transfer: Authors may be required to transfer copyright to the journal upon acceptance. Alternatively, the journal may use a Creative Commons license, allowing authors to retain copyright while granting the journal publishing rights.
    • Permissions: Authors must obtain permission for any third-party material (e.g., figures, tables) used in their manuscripts and provide proper attribution.
  7. Data Sharing and Reproducibility
    • Data Availability: Authors should be prepared to share their data upon request and provide a data availability statement in their manuscript. Encourage authors to deposit data in public repositories.
    • Reproducibility: Authors should provide enough detail in their methods to allow others to replicate their study. Include information on data collection, analysis tools, and any software used.
  8. Conflict Resolution
    • Dispute Handling: Establish a clear process for handling disputes between authors, reviewers, and editors. This may involve an appeal process or mediation by an independent third party.
    • Ethical Concerns: Clearly outline how ethical concerns, such as allegations of misconduct or conflicts of interest, will be investigated and resolved.
  9. Publication Ethics
    • Transparency: Commit to transparency in editorial decisions, including clear communication with authors regarding the review process and decisions.
    • Integrity: Maintain high standards of integrity in all aspects of publishing, from submission to publication. Avoid any practices that could compromise the quality or integrity of the journal.
    • Fairness: Ensure fair and unbiased consideration of all submissions, regardless of the authors’ background or affiliation.
  10. Compliance with Guidelines
    • Reporting Standards: Authors should adhere to relevant reporting guidelines to ensure the completeness and transparency of their reporting.
    • Checklists: Provide authors with checklists corresponding to their study type to help ensure compliance with reporting standards. Encourage the use of these checklists during manuscript preparation.